This one didn't take too long to figure out, but I'd like to share it just the same.
The Maintain Payment Batches screen in Oracle Incentive Compensation has a drop down for actions to be performed on selected batches.
The customer's requirement was to restrict the Pay action to a few select users.
The poplist data is dynamically populated using the base query :
(select lookup_code, meaning,decode(lookup_code , 'REFRESH','1','FREEZE','2','UNFREEZE','3','DELETE','4','PAY','5') ordactions
from cn_lookups
where lookup_type = 'PAYMENT_BATCH_ACTION') QRSLT
ORDER BY ordactions
To remove any of the actions from the poplist for a responsibility, all you have to do is exclude the corresponding function from that responsibility.
And voila!
For a list of functions corresponding to the actions, look for functions that start with CN_PMT_PAYRUN.
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